
Viña Viu Manent  is a family-owned enterprise founded in 1935 and primarily dedicated to the production and sale of high-quality wines in Chile and abroad. Its winery and vineyards are located in the Colchagua Valley.

Viña Viu Manent bases its corporate objectives on Sustainability, Quality, Food Safety, and the Environment, which are recognized as strategic pillars and our philosophy of working as a way of ensuring our commitment to our community, customers, collaborators, and the sustainable development of our country.

We are committed to:

1. Developing our activities within the framework of applicable regulations, both principles and agreements signed voluntarily.

2. Constantly develop continuous improvement to guarantee the Management of the Culture of Quality, Food Safety and Sustainability integrated in each step of the organization, with indicators that allow evaluating and verifying at all times that our wines and services comply with the specifications of legality, safety, authenticity and quality.

3. Satisfying the expectations and requirements agreed upon with our clients, of quality, quantity, and opportunity.

4. Comply with the obligation to produce wines under Food Safety and Safety standards in accordance with sectoral legality and responsibility towards our clients, based on work teams aware of this significance.

5. Upholding just labor practices, in a safe and healthy work environment.

6. Encouraging the professional competitiveness of our team, recognizing skills and strengths within job performance, offering training and opportunity for professional growth within our company.

7. Participating in cross-industry alliances to contribute to society, through initiatives for the sharing of knowledge, innovation, social inclusion, environmental education, and the conservation of biodiversity.

8. Acting within the framework of Social Responsibility in a manner consistent with our corporate values, the Principles of the UN Global Pact, international standards, and the best practices of the industry.

The Viu Manent  Corporate Management Policy constitutes the framework of action for the productive process with the aim of adding and ensuring the maximum value to the Company.





Viu Manent has succesfully applied to this certification and our wines are credited as “Sustainable Wine of Chile”.

Since 2012, Viu Manent is participating on the Sustainability Code program to obtain the Sustainability Code of the Wine Chilean Industry.

The Wines of Chile (WoC) Sustainability Code was developed specifically for the Chilean wine industry to set standards and provide a tool for measuring various sustainable practices throughout the entire winemaking value chain and comprises a set of initiatives and projects that aim to guide the industry toward sustainability, understood as the convergence of production processes that are environmentally friendly, socially equitable, and economically viable.

Thus, the Code addresses the wine sector’s needs for sustainable practices in three areas –Vineyard (Green Chapter), Winery (Red Chapter), and Community (Orange Chapter), and provides a Checklist of control points to be evaluated and a Manual with recommendations for each control point.

Although there are different ways to define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we can summarize it as a means of doing business in a way that incorporates respect for ethical values, the people who form part of the organization, the neighboring communities, and the environment.

Viña Viu Manent’s implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility contributes to the sustainability of our company over the short, medium, and long terms. This implementation is verified biannually as part of the recertification process under the Chilean Wine Industry’s National Code of Sustainability.


Viu Manent invita a todos sus grupos de interés a revisar su Código de Ética y Conducta, el cual expone los principios relativos a la relación con sus trabajadores, clientes, proveedores, gobiernos, comunidad, medio ambiente. Invitando a que, como parte de una industria que busca diferenciarse, apliquen en sus propias operaciones los principios aquí expuestos.

El presente Código de Ética y Conducta aplica en todas las operaciones de Viu Manent, por lo que sus colaboradores deben conocerlo y cumplir con sus obligaciones.

Este Código no fue concebido para atender todas las situaciones posibles, ni como un compendio de todas las leyes, reglamentaciones y políticas que pudieran afectar a la Organización. Por lo tanto, bajo ninguna circunstancia debe entenderse que este Código reemplaza o deroga otras políticas y/o procedimientos internos, sino por el contrario se complementa y/o integra con ellos.

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Wine in Moderation es una asociación del rubro vitivinícola sin fines de lucro que tiene por objetivo establecer directrices de consumo responsable de vino: “el vino sólo se puede disfrutar plenamente cuando se consume con moderación”

Vinos de Chile se adhirió a esta iniciativa en abril de 2014 y es el coordinador nacional de WIM.

A este acuerdo se ha sumado Viña Viu Manent, como parte de la cadena de valor del vino y por una cultura del vino sostenible que inspire estilos de vida saludables y beneficiosos para las personas.

¿Qué es la Moderación?
El consumo moderado y regular de vino está asociado con varios beneficios para la salud. No obstante, el riesgo se incrementa con cada copa que supera el límite de la moderación. Beber más de lo que se recomienda no aportará más ventajas, sino que redundará en más daños.

  • Hasta 2 unidades de alcohol al día para mujeres.
  • Hasta 3 unidades de alcohol al día para hombre.
  • No más de 4 unidades de alcohol de una sola vez.


  • Los niños y los jóvenes menores de 18 años.
  • Las mujeres que están embarazadas, o que estén pensando en concebir.
  • Ex alcohólicos o personas con un historial familiar de dependencia del alcohol.
  • Al conducir


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Un círculo perfecto para dar infinitas vidas a los envases de vidrio.

Después de disfrutar tu vino, contribuye al proceso de reciclaje. Tu botella se transformará en materia prima para dar vida a un nuevo envase.