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Viu Manent News

Viu Manent trip to Chilean Patogonia in Skorpios Cruise.

September 2013

On 24 and 25 August,  Viu Manent organized an incredible journey to the the fjord  Quintupeu (X Region, Chilean Patagonia) in Skorpios cruise,.
It was a wonderful experience in Southern Chile who met friends, premium customers, sales force and Sommeliers from the  National market.

The departure was from Puerto Montt, Llanquihue archipelago browsing and visiting Llancahue to reach the fjord Quintupeu. Sailed Sunday Hornopirén channel, Village of Black River and cross the Gulf of Ancud.

It was an unforgettable weekend where they could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of chilean Patagonia with Viu Manent.

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