Viu Manent obtains CEMARS™ certification
July 2011We are proud to announced that Viu Manent has been Certified as a CEMARS™, organization!!!!
Carbon Footprint Calculation
At the end of 2010, VM joined the Vinnova project for small and medium size wineries. It helps them calculate their carbon footprint which we did for our entire company: our Santiago business offices as well as our winery and vineyards in the Colchagua Valley of Chile.
What does this mean?
A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions emitted by a company. It is measured in tons of equivalent CO2.
Viu Manent calculated all of its GHG emissions for the company.
In order to ensure consistency, transparency, credibility, regulation, and verification of the calculation, Viu Manent worked with the company Deuman in Chile and the Certifier New Zealander company CarbonZero; and applied to its certification program CEMARS™, based on the ISO 14064:2006
What is CEMARS™?
CEMARS™ stands for Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme and is a certificate of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions management and reduction.
It is granted by CarbonZero, a New Zealand based company and pioneer in global environmental issues.
The CEMARS certification was received in July 6th, 2011 for calculating its carbon footprint and worked on a Reduction Emissions Plan.